Chicken Little

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

Peter Bradshaw
Friday February 10, 2006
The Guardian

Chicken Little is the children's fairy-tale about the silly little bird who said the sky was falling, because an acorn fell on his head. The story's bracingly rationalist moral is not to go around scaremongering, but this animated family comedy from Disney cancels that message by making Chicken Little right.
Something actually did fall on his head, not the sky, exactly, but something very worrying. Line by line, scene by scene, visual gag by visual gag, this picture is disappointing: underpowered and dull, even for kids.
Audiences who loved Shrek and The Incredibles will find it mediocre stuff, and when the movie tries for some sly adult humour, it falls flat - as when a fat pig unamusingly reveals that he has a Barbra Streisand record collection. Chicken Little has laid a bit of an egg.

acorn- żołądź
actually- faktycznie, rzeczywiście
animated- animowany; ożywiony
audience- publiczność
bracingly- orzeźwiająco, wzmacniająco
dull- nudny, nużący
fairy-tale- bajka
fall flat- ponosić klęskę
lay an egg- znieść jajko; popełnić gafę, zawieść, rozczarować
mediocre- mierny
reveal- wyjawiać, odkrywać
scaremonger- panikować
sly- przebiegły, chytry
unamusingly- w mało zabawny sposób
underpowered- pozbawiony siły, mocy; słaby, niewzmocniony


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